Kamis, 06 Desember 2007

The Secret - Jay Chow Film

Dear Music Lovers,
I am interested in Piano, so when i read the magazine that inform me jay chow make a film that the film shows the ability of jay chow playing piano, i really interested in searching the film in the dvd store, but all of the dvd is sold out. because of my anxiousity, i go to the youtube.com in order to get the slide of the film. After that i got this video,
That is a good playing by a bandung guy. After that, i found the music sheet and i got in internet, so i tried to play it. After 2 weeks, i just can play 10 block because of the difficulty of the song and i don't have enough time to play it.

4 komentar:

Eitsss... Tahan Dulu... mengatakan...

wah filmnya bagus sekali, dan lagu-lagunya keren sekali. Ternyata jay chow tidak hanya pandai nyanyi tapi dia bisa main instrument juga lo. tq utk masuk atas film-nya.

Willy Jaya mengatakan...

blog bagus sekali, banyak masukannya dan keren banget. rajin2up-date yo n cai yo.

Nury mengatakan...

what a beautiful music!!
Jay kalo udah nyanyi ato maen musik juga keren banget dh :P
Nu nambah satu temen lagi yg sama2 menjadi pecinta musik..

My Private Pensive mengatakan...

iya, jay chow tuh keren bgt memaenkan lagu secret itu, apalagi waktu battlenya dia. gw ampe cari film itu sekian lama, gara2 sering sold out.